Singing Guide: Shawn Mendes & Justin Bieber

Singing Guide: Shawn Mendes & Justin Bieber

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Shawn Mendes and Justin Bieber are two iconic male pop singers known worldwide for their powerful, soulful voices and emotional ballads. Both of them feature strong vocal techniques, combined chest and head voice, and an ability to connect emotionally with their audience. In this article, we'll explore these two talented singers' unique vocal techniques and songs that showcase them, as well as providing practical advice and helpful resources for those looking to learn how to sing like them.

First things first, let's talk about Shawn Mendes' unique voice. What sets Shawn apart is his ability to create a smooth and connected sound throughout his range. His vocal tone is warm and intimate, often characterized by a lighter, breathier mix that creates an emotionally powerful performance. To achieve a vocal tone similar to Shawn Mendes's, Singing Carrots' vocal range test is a great tool to determine the vocal range you have and to work on extending it. The test is simple: sing a few notes and compare the resulting vocal range with famous singers.

Just like Shawn Mendes, Justin Bieber is also known for his smooth vocals and iconic pop hits. His approach to singing incorporates a mix of falsetto and chest voice with an added vibrato, creating a powerful and emotional delivery. If you want to learn to sing like Justin Bieber, Singing Carrots has a pitch training game to perfect your tone and pitch accuracy. The training features interactive vocal warm-ups, pitch visualizer, and exercises for range and agility.

Now let's focus on recommended exercises and songs that will ensure you can sing like Shawn Mendes and Justin Bieber. For anyone looking to improve their vocal technique, Singing Carrots offers a multitude of articles and videos such as "How to analyze your voice" and "Voice Registers and Vocal Break," both helpful guides in creating the signature mix of Shawn Mendes and Justin Bieber's voices.

To improve breath support like both artists, Singing Carrots has an article on "Breathing Basics" and an exercise to "Sustain Vocal." The singing course "Singing for Beginners" can take your vocal skills to the next level, while the pitch training game can improve pitch accuracy and agility.

For those wanting to sing songs similar to Shawn Mendes, "Treat You Better," and "Stitches," both feature the artist's unique vocal delivery and should be given a listen.

Similarly, Justin Bieber's most iconic hits, "Love Yourself," "Sorry," and "Yummy," provide the opportunity for a dynamic range in song delivery and the perfect demonstration of the mixture of falsetto and chest voice used by Justin.

In conclusion, to sing like Shawn Mendes and Justin Bieber, it requires a combination of breath support, mixed voice, and an emotional connection with the audience. If you are interested in working on these skills to achieve that iconic vocalist status, Singing Carrots offers an array of educational articles, vocal ranges, and vocal training exercises to make your dreams of singing like Shawn Mendes and Justin Bieber a reality.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.